* 7pm start time

* Captain's choice on starting rotation, score sheet is filled out one page at a time, players must play a minimum of three games. 

* League will consist of two divisions: "Budweiser Championship" division will be the upper tier of play, "Bud Light Championship" division will be intermediate and beginner players and teams. There will be multiple sub-divisions in each division to be able to make the season not last more than three months. Cross divisional play will be attempted if the schedule permits. 

* Membership fee will be $30 per player per season. There will be no weekly money to keep up with. Host venue fee will be $50 per team, $150 max. 

* Teams will consist of four to six players, a minimum of four is required.

*Matches will not be made up, if a team has less than three players present for the match the match will be forfeited, the ghost player rule will be in effect for teams with three players.